Sunday, August 1, 2010


Listening to the cardinal chirping in the backyard reminded me that I need to fill the feeders. I got away from feeding the bird feeders last summer but I moved the feeders closer to the house this year so now I want to start filling them again. I miss the birds. I should pick up some peanuts for the Jays too. 

Here's a little look into the backyard...
 I'm still battling the Japanese beetles but I think I have them on the run now. I mixed up some of the Bayer product I used last year and watered the trees and flowers. Fortunately they are staying away from the vegetable garden this year.
 The first watermelon! There are more growing but this is the biggest one, I noticed it last week when I was picking tomatoes. If we get a melon for every flower on the vine there are going to be a LOT of watermelons! Kim I hope you're hungry :)
 Peppers! I'm getting a lot of bell peppers, not many hot peppers so far. I'm hoping I can get a least enough to make a batch of salsa. I'll let these bell peppers go orange before I pick 'em.
 Brussel sprouts :p Nancee swears she can cook these so that I will like them. The challenge is on! There are about 6 plants and they are all doing good so she will have a lot to experiment with.

 Roma tomatoes, mmm these are about the only tomatoes that I can eat raw. They are going to make some delicious sauces. I learned a few lessons last year about freezing tomatoes and sauces. Hopefully I'll have better luck this year.
 Cabbage, this is a first for me, even if I don't eat it they make great plants. Next year I'm going to put a few in my flower gardens. I really like them. I need to start looking for recipes.
 Sugar snap peas, these were a last minute addition to the garden. I put in six plants and three survived. I eat a handful each time I go into the garden. I think three is just enough for me. I will however get them in the ground much earlier next year. I'm thinking I may plant a few seeds now and see if I can get some fall peas. Thinking about putting in some beans too!
 Onions, they'll make a nice addition to the salsa and red sauce I plan to make as soon as I get enough tomatoes and peppers.
 Last but certainly not least, Black Eyed Susans. I have these growing all over the backyard. They add great color at this time of year.

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