Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December in Minnesota

It's been a couple months since I've posted anything and the backyard is now under about 8 inches of snow. The ground is finally frozen and the sump pump stopped spewing water a couple weeks ago. Christmas is nearly upon us which means we enter the new year in less than two weeks. Whew, where did the year go?

Prior to the snow falling I broke down the garden, pulled up the mulch and ground cover. Moved the ground cover to other areas in order to kill off more grass over the winter months. I gathered all the leaves I could get and buried the garden area under about 6 inches of leaves. I'm hoping that it will kill off any remaining grass and by next Spring I should have almost 700 square feet of garden space.

Now it's time to start dreaming about next years garden. I'm stealing an idea from a friend and putting in cut flowers, the idea is that I plant the flower seeds each week so that I can cut one row each week and have fresh cut flowers everyday!

As for vegetables I'm taking orders. This year I had waaaaaaay too many tomatoes, lesson learned. I hope to try a few new veggies for example brussel sprouts, I'm not a big fan but I have a friend who loves them. I grew 'em about 10 years ago and if I remember correctly they were easy to grow so I'll put in a couple plants for her. I also have a hankering for pumpkins, I've never grown them but I think I want to. There's nothing better than homemade pumpkin pie. I also want to grow acorn squash, it's one of my favorites and I haven't grown them in a long time. I don't think I'll do cucumbers again, I put in a couple plants each year and they just haven't done well. I'm unsure about zucchini, a girl can only eat so much of the stuff and I have a freezer full right now.

The seed catalogs should start arriving in the next couple months so I start making my decisions then. I'm sure after spending hours looking through catalogs I'll have a head full of ideas.

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